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Little Pieces for 3 recorders

Misc (Mozart, Hayden, Anon) arr. Schafer

Price: £8.50
Ref: DOBL4340

Wintertraume - 25 Festive Trios from 5 centuries

Misc arr Butz Rainer

Price: £22.50
Ref: ED22245

The Renaissance Trio Book

Misc. ed & arr. Bernard Thomas
Mixed combinations of three reorders, S/A/T/B various
Mixed combinations of three reorders, S/A/T/B various

Price: £20.00
Ref: DOL153

Anns Choice of Easy Ensembles 2

Marshall, Ann
3 SAT. There is not much music for adults that is both interesting and easy. I hope that 'Ann's Choice' will help to fill the gap. Volume 2, for DTrT trios, offers music from the Spanish Renaissance (Moxica and the famous 'Anon'), England (Wilbye), Germany (Bach) and Wales (The Ash Grove). Whatever the original forces, I have arranged all of the music for DTrT recorders. The keys are friendly and, other than four top As for descants (all in one piece), there are no notes higher than three fingers in the upper register.
3 SAT. There is not much music for adults that is both interesting and easy. I hope that 'Ann's Choice' will help to fill the gap. Volume 2, for DTrT trios, offers music from the Spanish Renaissance (Moxica and the famous 'Anon'), England (Wilbye), Germany (Bach) and Wales (The Ash Grove). Whatever the original forces, I have arranged all of the music for DTrT recorders. The keys are friendly and, other than four top As for descants (all in one piece), there are no notes higher than three fingers in the upper register.

Price: £8.00
Ref: MHE50810

Ann's Choice Vol 9

Misc. arr Ann Marshall
3 AAB. Thirsis, Let Pity Move Thee (Morley) ; O What Shall I Do? (Wilbye) ; Cease, Sorrows Now (Weelkes) . There is not much music for adults that is both interesting and easy. I hope that 'Ann's Choice' will help to fill the gap. Volume 9 comprises arrangements of three three-part English madrigals for TrTB recorders. The madrigals are by three giants of madrigal composition - Morley, Wilbye and Weelkes. In these pieces they demonstrate their ability to write very interesting music that is straightforward to play and that is in only three parts.
3 AAB. Thirsis, Let Pity Move Thee (Morley) ; O What Shall I Do? (Wilbye) ; Cease, Sorrows Now (Weelkes) . There is not much music for adults that is both interesting and easy. I hope that 'Ann's Choice' will help to fill the gap. Volume 9 comprises arrangements of three three-part English madrigals for TrTB recorders. The madrigals are by three giants of madrigal composition - Morley, Wilbye and Weelkes. In these pieces they demonstrate their ability to write very interesting music that is straightforward to play and that is in only three parts.

Price: £8.00
Ref: MHE20717

Ann’s Choice: Volume 10

Misc. arr. Ann Marshall
3 AAB. Sit Down and Sing (Weelkes). Ah me! My mistress scorns my love (Bateson)  Where Art Thou, Wanton? (Morley)  There is not much music for adults that is both interesting and easy. Inhope that 'Ann's Choice' will help to fill the gap. Volume 10 comprises arrangements of three three-part English madrigals for TrTrB recorders. The madrigals are by three giants of madrigal composition – Weelkes, Bateson and Morley. In these pieces they demonstrate their ability to write very interesting music that is straightforward to play and that is in only three parts.
3 AAB. Sit Down and Sing (Weelkes). Ah me! My mistress scorns my love (Bateson)  Where Art Thou, Wanton? (Morley)  There is not much music for adults that is both interesting and easy. Inhope that 'Ann's Choice' will help to fill the gap. Volume 10 comprises arrangements of three three-part English madrigals for TrTrB recorders. The madrigals are by three giants of madrigal composition – Weelkes, Bateson and Morley. In these pieces they demonstrate their ability to write very interesting music that is straightforward to play and that is in only three parts.

Price: £7.50
Ref: MHE30717

Ann’s Choice Vol. 15

Misc. arr. Ann Marshall

Price: £9.50
Ref: MHE30522

Five Ayres from the Baroque

Misc. arr. Ann Marshall

Price: £9.00
Ref: MHE32210

Consort Music from the Court of Maximilian I, Vol. 1, 1-20

Misc. ed. David Hatcher
3, 4 and 5 recorders, viols - S/A/T/B various. A wonderful library of varied 16th-century secular instrumental music typical of the court of Maximilian and his successor Charles V. Composers include Josquin, Isaac, Senfl and Pierre de la Rue. - All four volumes may be purchased for £75.00, PEMSMAX. For more information go to
3, 4 and 5 recorders, viols - S/A/T/B various. A wonderful library of varied 16th-century secular instrumental music typical of the court of Maximilian and his successor Charles V. Composers include Josquin, Isaac, Senfl and Pierre de la Rue. - All four volumes may be purchased for £75.00, PEMSMAX. For more information go to

Price: £20.00
Ref: PEMS081-3

Consort Music from the Court of Maximilian I Vol 3, 41-60

Misc. ed. David Hatcher
3 and 4 recorders, viols - S/A/T/B various. A wonderful library of varied 16th-century secular instrumental music typical of the court of Maximilian and his successor Charles V. Composers include Josquin, Isaac, Senfl and Pierre de la Rue - All four volumes may be purchased for £75.00, PEMSMAX. For more information go to
3 and 4 recorders, viols - S/A/T/B various. A wonderful library of varied 16th-century secular instrumental music typical of the court of Maximilian and his successor Charles V. Composers include Josquin, Isaac, Senfl and Pierre de la Rue - All four volumes may be purchased for £75.00, PEMSMAX. For more information go to

Price: £22.50
Ref: PEMS083-3

Gems of the Spanish Renaissance arranged for recorder trio: playing score

Misc arr. Susan Iadone
3 S/A/T/B
3 S/A/T/B

Price: £5.00
Ref: PEMS91S

Gems of the Spanish Renaissance arranged for recorder trio: set of 3

Misc arr. Susan Iadone
3 S/A/T/B
3 S/A/T/B

Price: £12.00
Ref: PEMS91-3
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