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Five Recorders

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Fire Down Below

Misc. arr. Clark

Price: £6.50
Ref: PP110

Royal Wind Music Vol. 3 (Two Suites by Lanier & Co

Misc. arr. Lanier & Coleman

Price: £5.50
Ref: NM228

Villancicos a 5

Misc. arr. Lewin

Price: £6.00
Ref: RA110

Ann's Choice Vol. 6 Quintets

Misc arr. Ann Marshall
5 SAATB. Pavan  - Angelus Autem  - To Hear Men Sing  - Canzon.  Four pieces of music from the Renaissance. Ann says: 'The composers are reasonably well-known, with the exception of the Spanish composer Alonso de Tejeda. What all of the pieces have in common is that it is not necessary to have an advanced technique to play them, and play them well. Whatever the original forces, I have arranged all of the music for DTrTrTB recorders, with the added bonus that the second treble parts also fit nicely on the tenor. The keys are friendly and there are no notes higher than two fingers in the upper register for any instrument. Speeds are suggestions only; I have chosen music that I believe will still work well slightly slower than marked. '
5 SAATB. Pavan  - Angelus Autem  - To Hear Men Sing  - Canzon.  Four pieces of music from the Renaissance. Ann says: 'The composers are reasonably well-known, with the exception of the Spanish composer Alonso de Tejeda. What all of the pieces have in common is that it is not necessary to have an advanced technique to play them, and play them well. Whatever the original forces, I have arranged all of the music for DTrTrTB recorders, with the added bonus that the second treble parts also fit nicely on the tenor. The keys are friendly and there are no notes higher than two fingers in the upper register for any instrument. Speeds are suggestions only; I have chosen music that I believe will still work well slightly slower than marked. '

Price: £8.00
Ref: MHE10412

Ann's Choice: Vol. 8

Misc arr Ann Marshall
5 SSATB. The Blackbird  - Tanzen und Springen  - Alas, alas! Where is my love  - Ach, weh des Leiden  - In Midst of Woods. Volume 8 comprises arrangements of five madrigals for DDTrTB; these may be of particular interest to groups who have several descant players.
5 SSATB. The Blackbird  - Tanzen und Springen  - Alas, alas! Where is my love  - Ach, weh des Leiden  - In Midst of Woods. Volume 8 comprises arrangements of five madrigals for DDTrTB; these may be of particular interest to groups who have several descant players.

Price: £9.50
Ref: MHE60113

Three English Madrigals

Misc arr Ann Marshall
5 SSATB. Flora Gave Me Fairest Flowers - All At Once Well Met  - All Creatures Now . This set comprises madrigals by Wilbye, Weelkes and Bennet. What they have in common is that they were written by Englishmen in the early 1600’s - the ‘Golden Age’ when English madrigals were held in high esteem throughout the world. Ann has chosen pieces that are all lively and vigorous, and include passages full of ‘come ye wantons, here to play’, ‘fa la la la la’ and ‘merry, merry, merry, merry, merry’, words which strongly suggest a brisk tempo!
5 SSATB. Flora Gave Me Fairest Flowers - All At Once Well Met  - All Creatures Now . This set comprises madrigals by Wilbye, Weelkes and Bennet. What they have in common is that they were written by Englishmen in the early 1600’s - the ‘Golden Age’ when English madrigals were held in high esteem throughout the world. Ann has chosen pieces that are all lively and vigorous, and include passages full of ‘come ye wantons, here to play’, ‘fa la la la la’ and ‘merry, merry, merry, merry, merry’, words which strongly suggest a brisk tempo!

Price: £9.50
Ref: MHE20415

Four Madrigals from The Triumphs of Oriana

Misc. arr. Ann Marshall
5 SSATB. Hence stars, too dim of light (East)  - All Creatures Now (Bennet)  - Lightly she whipped o'er the Dales (Mundy)  - With angel's face and brightness (Norcombe)  . The Triumphs of Oriana was a collection of twenty-five madrigals, published by Thomas Morley in 1601, and composed by some of the finest English madrigalists of the age. Ann has arranged four from the set, by East, Norcombe, Mundy and Bennet. These pieces work well at various speeds, as demonstrated by the available recordings, but a typical total playing time is about nine minutes.
5 SSATB. Hence stars, too dim of light (East)  - All Creatures Now (Bennet)  - Lightly she whipped o'er the Dales (Mundy)  - With angel's face and brightness (Norcombe)  . The Triumphs of Oriana was a collection of twenty-five madrigals, published by Thomas Morley in 1601, and composed by some of the finest English madrigalists of the age. Ann has arranged four from the set, by East, Norcombe, Mundy and Bennet. These pieces work well at various speeds, as demonstrated by the available recordings, but a typical total playing time is about nine minutes.

Price: £12.00
Ref: MHE50117

10 Spirituals

Misc. arr Hermann-Josef Wilbert

Price: £19.80
Ref: FEB058

Elizabethan Quintets

Misc. arr. Murray

Price: £6.00
Ref: F53281/A

Elizabethan Quintets

Misc. arr. Murray

Price: £6.00
Ref: F53281

Four Sea Songs

Misc. arr. Pennick
5 Sno SATB
5 Sno SATB

Price: £3.99
Ref: ED11805

Kis Magyar Szvit/Kleine ungarische Suite

Misc. ed. Brook

Price: £16.70
Ref: EM2141
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