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Orchestra 9-13

Music Catalog |  Unaccompanied |  Orchestra 9-13

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Four Mini Adventures (Vier kleine Abenteur)

Marshall, Steve
1 Gark 11 SoSSAATTBBGbCbsubCbsubCbsubCb. Steve says: 'I wrote these pieces for Dietrich Schnabel and the Blockflštenconsort Dortmund. This is a large recorder orchestra, with a sizeable bass department, including subcontrabasses and a subsubcontrabass. The four adventures are very colourful pieces, which use the range of the recorder orchestra to its full, even adding a garklein for good measure. They can be played as a group of pieces, or individually.'
1 Gark 11 SoSSAATTBBGbCbsubCbsubCbsubCb. Steve says: 'I wrote these pieces for Dietrich Schnabel and the Blockflštenconsort Dortmund. This is a large recorder orchestra, with a sizeable bass department, including subcontrabasses and a subsubcontrabass. The four adventures are very colourful pieces, which use the range of the recorder orchestra to its full, even adding a garklein for good measure. They can be played as a group of pieces, or individually.'

Price: £33.00
Ref: MHE11208

Voyage of the Matthew

Marshall, Steve
Orch SAATTBGbCb. This piece was written to mark the 60th anniversary of the Bristol branch of the Society of Recorder Players. In less than eight minutes it illustrates the historic journey of John Cabot and his crew aboard the Matthew, when they set sail from Bristol in May 1497 to find a route westward to Asia. Various moods are explored in this moderately easy piece.
Orch SAATTBGbCb. This piece was written to mark the 60th anniversary of the Bristol branch of the Society of Recorder Players. In less than eight minutes it illustrates the historic journey of John Cabot and his crew aboard the Matthew, when they set sail from Bristol in May 1497 to find a route westward to Asia. Various moods are explored in this moderately easy piece.

Price: £12.50
Ref: MHE20508

Still Life with Quinces and Lemons

Marshall, Steve

Price: £9.50
Ref: MHE51210

Still Life with Quinces and Lemons

Marshall, Steve

Price: £9.00
Ref: MHE 51210a

Beating Heart of Jazz

Marshall, Steve

Price: £16.00
Ref: MHE10812

Gorged on the Cheddar

Marshall, Steve

Price: £18.00
Ref: MHE51110a

Concerto for Elody and Recorder Orchestra

Marshall, Steve

Price: £25.00
Ref: MHE20814

Four Moods for Saxophone and Recorder Orchestra

Marshall, Steve

Price: £19.00
Ref: MHE10815

The Archaeology of Jazz

Marshall, Steve

Price: £14.00
Ref: MHE10115

The Archaeology of Jazz - the 2nd Trench

Marshall, Steve

Price: £21.00
Ref: MHE20115

Lady Beverley’s Chamber

Marshall, Steve

Price: £23.00
Ref: MHE10117

Jazz Short Story

Marshall, Steve & Ann
11 SoSSAATTBBGbCb. Ann & Steve wrote this piece at the request of Dietrich Schnabel; they were happy to take up the challenge of writing a composition jointly. For the romantics among you, it may be interesting to know that the piece was finished on Valentine's day. A Jazz Short Story is a musical impression of a 7-page short story. It's never made quite clear what is happening, but the story certainly has many twists and turns, always looking back to the events on the first page - in many ways the piece is a theme-and-variations. The end seems to be a dramatic dénouement, but again one can only speculate about what happens - even about whether it's a happy ending or not! Total playing time of this moderately difficult piece is about 8 minutes.
11 SoSSAATTBBGbCb. Ann & Steve wrote this piece at the request of Dietrich Schnabel; they were happy to take up the challenge of writing a composition jointly. For the romantics among you, it may be interesting to know that the piece was finished on Valentine's day. A Jazz Short Story is a musical impression of a 7-page short story. It's never made quite clear what is happening, but the story certainly has many twists and turns, always looking back to the events on the first page - in many ways the piece is a theme-and-variations. The end seems to be a dramatic dénouement, but again one can only speculate about what happens - even about whether it's a happy ending or not! Total playing time of this moderately difficult piece is about 8 minutes.

Price: £14.00
Ref: MHE20210
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Music Catalog |  Unaccompanied |  Orchestra 9-13

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