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Six Recorders

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Summer Sextet

Marshall, Steve
6 T/SoT/ST/ABGbCb. The three movements paint varied pictures, from a lazy summer afternoon to a frightening night in the woods, and the changes of mood, tempo and instruments will pose something of a challenge for six good players. The great bass and contrabass are nearly essential, although they could be read onto tenor and bass to get a rough idea of the music.
6 T/SoT/ST/ABGbCb. The three movements paint varied pictures, from a lazy summer afternoon to a frightening night in the woods, and the changes of mood, tempo and instruments will pose something of a challenge for six good players. The great bass and contrabass are nearly essential, although they could be read onto tenor and bass to get a rough idea of the music.

Price: £9.50
Ref: MHE10704

Four Pieces from the 13th Century

Marshall, Steve
6 SAATTB. These are arrangements of some examples of very early French polyphony. The tunes go their own way, with occasional violent clashes. The original manuscripts were in three parts, but they have been expanded into six parts by means of doubling, which gives them a colour and variety which sounds good, but which may well not be authentic.
6 SAATTB. These are arrangements of some examples of very early French polyphony. The tunes go their own way, with occasional violent clashes. The original manuscripts were in three parts, but they have been expanded into six parts by means of doubling, which gives them a colour and variety which sounds good, but which may well not be authentic.

Price: £9.50
Ref: MHE20905

Ein Kleines Geburtstagsphantasiestuck

Marshall, Steve
6 So/SATTBB. Written as a birthday present, this 'little birthday fantasy' goes through various contrasting moods before a famous birthday tune is played at the end, to the accompaniment of many of the melodies which were featured before. Fun, but quite tricky.
6 So/SATTBB. Written as a birthday present, this 'little birthday fantasy' goes through various contrasting moods before a famous birthday tune is played at the end, to the accompaniment of many of the melodies which were featured before. Fun, but quite tricky.

Price: £7.50
Ref: MHE10804

Hard Times

Marshall, Steve
6 SAATTB. Steve wrote Hard Times as a curtain-raiser for a playing day where good players were going to work on pieces involving challenging rhythms. The piece has constantly changing time signatures, successive bars being in 5/4, 4/4, 3/4, 2/4 and 1/4, then back round the cycle for the whole piece. Hard Times is hence a rhythmic study for ensembles; despite that Steve thinks that is also an interesting piece of music. Playing time is about two and a half minutes.
6 SAATTB. Steve wrote Hard Times as a curtain-raiser for a playing day where good players were going to work on pieces involving challenging rhythms. The piece has constantly changing time signatures, successive bars being in 5/4, 4/4, 3/4, 2/4 and 1/4, then back round the cycle for the whole piece. Hard Times is hence a rhythmic study for ensembles; despite that Steve thinks that is also an interesting piece of music. Playing time is about two and a half minutes.

Price: £8.00
Ref: MHE31109

A Celtic Cluster

Marshall, Steve
6 SAATTB. Steve says: 'Many recorder players will be familiar with Paul Clark's excellent 'Irish Suite', but given the vast array of traditional Irish tunes I thought there was room for at least another set of arrangements from the Emerald Isle! Two of these pieces need a certain dexterity, especially in the upper parts, and especially at the marked speeds, but there's nothing too virtuosic. Great fun to play, and listen to.'
Also available for recorder orchestra (MHE 10905a )
6 SAATTB. Steve says: 'Many recorder players will be familiar with Paul Clark's excellent 'Irish Suite', but given the vast array of traditional Irish tunes I thought there was room for at least another set of arrangements from the Emerald Isle! Two of these pieces need a certain dexterity, especially in the upper parts, and especially at the marked speeds, but there's nothing too virtuosic. Great fun to play, and listen to.'
Also available for recorder orchestra (MHE 10905a )

Price: £11.50
Ref: MHE10905

Three Times Four

Marshall, Steve
4 SATB opt GbCb
4 SATB opt GbCb

Price: £7.00
Ref: MHE20708A

Variations on "A Chantar"

Marshall, Steve
6 SAATTB. This is a rearrangement in six parts of Steve's 'easy' recorder orchestra arrangement of a 14th Century French tune (MHE20108).
6 SAATTB. This is a rearrangement in six parts of Steve's 'easy' recorder orchestra arrangement of a 14th Century French tune (MHE20108).

Price: £7.50
Ref: MHE20108A

News at Ten Blues

Marshall, Steve
6 AATTBB. Before the Break  - After the Break. Steve says: 'Helen Hooker asked me to write something 'jazzy' for the advanced ensemble at the 2011 Recorder Summer School, and this is the result. News at Ten Blues does not try to picture specific events in the news, but rather suggest the format of today's News broadcasts – quick changes from one subject to another. There is also a hint of one of those short 'news-lite' items just before the break! This is six minutes of reasonably difficult music for an ensemble (and its conductor too).'
6 AATTBB. Before the Break  - After the Break. Steve says: 'Helen Hooker asked me to write something 'jazzy' for the advanced ensemble at the 2011 Recorder Summer School, and this is the result. News at Ten Blues does not try to picture specific events in the news, but rather suggest the format of today's News broadcasts – quick changes from one subject to another. There is also a hint of one of those short 'news-lite' items just before the break! This is six minutes of reasonably difficult music for an ensemble (and its conductor too).'

Price: £9.00
Ref: MHE10311

Fun Little Tunes for Harriet's Bassoon

Marshall, Steve
6 Bsn SAATTB. Steve says: 'The bassoon is capable of many moods, but Harriet Oliver asked me for a piece which concentrated on its quirky and playful side. It does get a bit romantic in the slower middle section, but quirkiness is quickly restored and lasts until the very end, when the piece confidently ends in what is more than likely the 'wrong' key! Total playing time is about four minutes.'
6 Bsn SAATTB. Steve says: 'The bassoon is capable of many moods, but Harriet Oliver asked me for a piece which concentrated on its quirky and playful side. It does get a bit romantic in the slower middle section, but quirkiness is quickly restored and lasts until the very end, when the piece confidently ends in what is more than likely the 'wrong' key! Total playing time is about four minutes.'

Price: £10.00
Ref: MHE40808

Bagatelle for Clarinet and Recorder Sextet

Marshall, Steve
Clarinet, SAATTB. Steve says: 'I was asked if I had any music for clarinet and recorder ensemble. I realised that ‘Fun Little Tunes for Harriet's Bassoon’ (MHE40808), for bassoon and recorders would work well, with some reworking, and here it is – reborn as a Bagatelle. The clarinet is capable of many moods, but this piece concentrates on the quirky and playful side of its personality. It does get a bit romantic in the slower middle section, but quirkiness is quickly restored and lasts until the very end, when the piece confidently ends in what is more than likely the 'wrong' key. Four minutes of musical fun!'
Clarinet, SAATTB. Steve says: 'I was asked if I had any music for clarinet and recorder ensemble. I realised that ‘Fun Little Tunes for Harriet's Bassoon’ (MHE40808), for bassoon and recorders would work well, with some reworking, and here it is – reborn as a Bagatelle. The clarinet is capable of many moods, but this piece concentrates on the quirky and playful side of its personality. It does get a bit romantic in the slower middle section, but quirkiness is quickly restored and lasts until the very end, when the piece confidently ends in what is more than likely the 'wrong' key. Four minutes of musical fun!'

Price: £10.00
Ref: MHE10918

Four for Glasgow's Fifty

Marshall, Steve
6 SATBGbCb. Steve says: 'I wrote Four For Glasgow's Fifty for the fiftieth anniversary of the Glasgow branch of the Society of Recorder Players. It is essentially a medley of four traditional Scottish tunes, although an attentive listener may spot hints of each tune cropping up from time to time within the other tunes. This six minute piece has its trickier moments at the marked speeds, but it also works well at more modest speeds.'
6 SATBGbCb. Steve says: 'I wrote Four For Glasgow's Fifty for the fiftieth anniversary of the Glasgow branch of the Society of Recorder Players. It is essentially a medley of four traditional Scottish tunes, although an attentive listener may spot hints of each tune cropping up from time to time within the other tunes. This six minute piece has its trickier moments at the marked speeds, but it also works well at more modest speeds.'

Price: £11.50
Ref: MHE10211

Story of the Red Book of Montserrat

Marshall, Steve
6 SATBGbCb & percussion. Motetus: Pucelete  - The Nightingale  - Polorum Regina  - Mariam Matrem - Ad Mortem Festinamus. This publication enables a twelve-minute telling of the fascinating story of the medieval Red Book of Montserrat, complete with five musical illustrations. The music (of no more than moderate difficulty could be played on its own, as five short medieval pieces.
6 SATBGbCb & percussion. Motetus: Pucelete  - The Nightingale  - Polorum Regina  - Mariam Matrem - Ad Mortem Festinamus. This publication enables a twelve-minute telling of the fascinating story of the medieval Red Book of Montserrat, complete with five musical illustrations. The music (of no more than moderate difficulty could be played on its own, as five short medieval pieces.

Price: £15.50
Ref: MHE20714
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