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Trio for Recorders

Maddox, Richard Peter

Price: £11.00
Ref: OMP123


Mageau, Mary

Price: £11.20
Ref: LMP152

a b c d e Little Pieces

Malek, Jan

Price: £4.50
Ref: H6568

Moon River: score & 3 of each part

Mancini, Henry ed Gannaway

Price: £9.25
Ref: M130

Twelve Villanelle (1584)

Marenzio, Luca (ed. Thomas)
3 AAT/SST/various
3 AAT/SST/various

Price: £3.75
Ref: LPMTM20

Monmouth Trios

Marshall, Ann
3 SAT. Three easy and tuneful pieces, written by Ann for the Monmouth U3A recorder group.
3 SAT. Three easy and tuneful pieces, written by Ann for the Monmouth U3A recorder group.

Price: £7.00
Ref: MHE30907

Tibberton Trios

Marshall, Ann
3 ATT. Named after a small village in Gloucestershire, Ann wrote these short trios to add to the small repertoire for a treble and two tenors. Difficulty is easy-moderate, and the total playing time is about nine minutes.
3 ATT. Named after a small village in Gloucestershire, Ann wrote these short trios to add to the small repertoire for a treble and two tenors. Difficulty is easy-moderate, and the total playing time is about nine minutes.

Price: £8.00
Ref: MHE20309

El Condor Pasa

Marshall, Ann
3 ATB. Ann says: 'El Condor Pasa was not, as is commonly assumed, composed by Paul Simon. It was in fact written by the Peruvian composer Daniel Alomía Robles (1871-1942), who based it on a traditional Andean folk song. My arrangement, for recorder trio, is fairly easy to play but I hope it lets the charm of this tune shine through.'
3 ATB. Ann says: 'El Condor Pasa was not, as is commonly assumed, composed by Paul Simon. It was in fact written by the Peruvian composer Daniel Alomía Robles (1871-1942), who based it on a traditional Andean folk song. My arrangement, for recorder trio, is fairly easy to play but I hope it lets the charm of this tune shine through.'

Price: £6.50
Ref: MHE70813

Four Bagatelles for Recorder

Marshall, Ann
3 SAT. Ann says: ' I almost called these pieces 'studies', because I think there is a lot in them that would be useful for a trio to work on. Not least the parts are quite independent, and the notes in each part do not always occur exactly in the most obvious place! The problem is that the word 'study' is often used for tricky pieces, for extending the technique of already-strong solo players. And my pieces are aimed much more at players of modest technique, trying to improve their ensemble playing. So 'bagatelle' it was. For fun, some of these pieces were constructed around the chord progressions of well-known songs. It may be diverting to try to figure out which. Total playing time is about seven minutes.'
3 SAT. Ann says: ' I almost called these pieces 'studies', because I think there is a lot in them that would be useful for a trio to work on. Not least the parts are quite independent, and the notes in each part do not always occur exactly in the most obvious place! The problem is that the word 'study' is often used for tricky pieces, for extending the technique of already-strong solo players. And my pieces are aimed much more at players of modest technique, trying to improve their ensemble playing. So 'bagatelle' it was. For fun, some of these pieces were constructed around the chord progressions of well-known songs. It may be diverting to try to figure out which. Total playing time is about seven minutes.'

Price: £8.00
Ref: MHE30713

A Year of Trios

Marshall, Ann
3 SSA & SAT. Steve & Ann say: ' We wrote these easy trios (contributing six each) for a recently-formed U3A recorder group. At the time the group was descant-rich, with a few people learning treble and tenor. All players had got as far as the five 'common' left-hand notes (GABCD on a descant). Each of the twelve easy trios (total playing time about thirteen minutes) is a small sketch of something typical of that particular month, using just those five notes. The trios for the first and last three months of the year are for DDTr, and the others are for DTrT.'
3 SSA & SAT. Steve & Ann say: ' We wrote these easy trios (contributing six each) for a recently-formed U3A recorder group. At the time the group was descant-rich, with a few people learning treble and tenor. All players had got as far as the five 'common' left-hand notes (GABCD on a descant). Each of the twelve easy trios (total playing time about thirteen minutes) is a small sketch of something typical of that particular month, using just those five notes. The trios for the first and last three months of the year are for DDTr, and the others are for DTrT.'

Price: £10.00
Ref: MHE20313

Made for JADE

Marshall, Ann
3 ATB (or 2 AT & bass guitar). Ann wrote this for the music group 'JADE', which comprises two recorder players and a bass guitarist. The recorder parts are moderately difficult, and the bass guitar part is definitely difficult featuring, as it does, quite a lot of high double stopping. The bass recorder part is made from this and is of similar difficulty to the other recorder parts. Although all parts are full of rhythmic vitality - in other words a bit tricky!
3 ATB (or 2 AT & bass guitar). Ann wrote this for the music group 'JADE', which comprises two recorder players and a bass guitarist. The recorder parts are moderately difficult, and the bass guitar part is definitely difficult featuring, as it does, quite a lot of high double stopping. The bass recorder part is made from this and is of similar difficulty to the other recorder parts. Although all parts are full of rhythmic vitality - in other words a bit tricky!

Price: £11.50
Ref: MHE51120

Taynton Suite

Marshall, Ann
ATB. Five varied and interesting movements of moderate difficulty. This is May Hill's 500th publication!
ATB. Five varied and interesting movements of moderate difficulty. This is May Hill's 500th publication!

Price: £9.00
Ref: MHE10222
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